Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

kyle is annoying!

Monday, February 11, 2008

hello everyone! ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠œ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπ“‘«åß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬…æΩ≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷⁄€‹›fifl‡°·‚—±Œ„´‰ˇÁ¨ˆØ∏”’»ÅÍÎÏ˝ÓÔÒÚƸ˛Ç◊ı˜Â¯˘¿789⁄€‹›fifl‡°·‚—±ÔÓ˝ÔÓ˝˝Ïδ„´„Ïˇ‰‡˝ÓϨˇ˝

Friday, February 8, 2008

Middle School Banquet

This evening was the banquet! It was really fun! I won the gummy bear contest because the Barbuscas gave me theirs (thats how i got 13 Rebekah!) Here are some pictures of it!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Middle School Banquet is tomorrow! I am really excited! I'll put some pictures up when I get some! Sorry I'm hurryuign but i have to get ready for bed! bye!