Monday, October 22, 2007


Happy Birthday to you! happy birthday to you! Happy bi
rthday dear Daniela! Happy birthday to you!

La multi ani triasca! la multi ani triasca. La multi ani. multi ani triasca! multi ani triasca! La multi ani!
Cine sa triasca? Cine sa triasca? La multi ani! Daniela sa triasca! Daniela sa triasca! La multi ani!

(just to let you know i have no clue how to spell the Romanian wo
rds or even if i wrote that right!)Daniela, if I embarrassed you by any of these pictures, you can punch me or put embarrassing pictures of me on your blog :)

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sorry!!! I will blog more often. Kyle is now an adult! That is amazing! It seems like he was just a little kid and now he is all grown up! Now he is Mr Nelstead! Hehehe. Everyone, you should call him that at school. That would be funny. Wow. it is really cold now. On Friday i was hot and then on Saturday it just went BOOM! Cold. I am glad that it is wet and cold. I hope that means it will snow A LOT this winter because for that last couple winters it has snowed like nothing! Ahhhh I am cold!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I had a really great time at the Mather's today. It was really fun! First we watched "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". It was a really weird movie. It was about a girl in high school. She is a cheerleader and then she finds out that she is a vampire slayer and she realizes that her life that she lived before she knew was really stupid. So she changes and she has to defeat Lothos, the head of the vampires. She says really weird things like, "He threw a knife at my head!" and "Pa-leeeze!" and stuff like that. It is really funny how she says things though. I have to get off and wash dishes now, so see you at school tomorrow in the afternoon!

Monday, October 1, 2007

You should all go see Turkish Star Wars. It is VERY interesting.... in a VERY strange way. By the way, my teeth do not need to match up perfectly, thank you very much Ms. Andreea Solomon!
Daniela, you may tell your parents that I am NOT pleased any more with the dentist.
Thank you.