Thursday, September 20, 2007


Ooh you can add videos! That's cool! I think that I will try it, so if this doesn't work, just know that i probably don't have any clue how to do it!
I think it will work
I think it will work and just to let you know there is no picture. it is just my family and me being weird! "moon river, la DE DA DE DA..."
This is taking a while!
I am getting bored
I'm not sure this will work now
i want to go outside
it is cold outside
Hey everybody come to my house so i won't be bored! Then at 6 we can go to the park and watch them paint! Ha ha! my idea is ingenious (is that how you use that word?)
Well, I'm just gonna keep on typing until it is finished, so I might be typing ALL DAY!
I don't think the videos work!
I am cold
I want to make banana nut roll (its Best Loved!)
What is cream of tartar?
We have some!
We have lost of strange things
My grandma is ok! Hooray! she was in surgury yesterday.
How much longer am I going to have to do this?
so, do you wanna come?
blah blah blah blah blah!
come on little video! You are soo small! you shouldn't take this long to upload! FINE! do you know what? I am just not gonna put you up! But I will tell you all what is said!
Dad (singing): Moon river, la de da de da...!"
Kyle: boo ger
Mom: Can somebody fix the blinds? I donno why they're pooping like that!
Kyle: C'mon! stop! all of you, all of you!
Mom: Wait a minute!
Heather: Mom, how do I spell High School Musical?
Mom: GH
Kyle: Here, let me hear that!
Mom: So its h-i-g-h...
Kyle: You were doing it again! EEEOOOOOOOOOOAHHH
Amy: Stopppp! stop!
Mom: Hey
Amy: what?
Heather: how do you spell musiCAL?
Heather: Mom, how do you spell CAL?
Mom: now lets turn this on...
wow this was a long one!


~Rebekah~ said...

that is wwierd
I want to see the movie
it soes take a long time to upload
it took me like 20 min

Alyssa said...

I want to see that movie!! hahahaha. You are hilarious when you're random. lol. I love u--and your family. hehe.