Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Alyssa! Happy birthday to you!


Alyssa said...

Hahah! This made me laugh! Where did u even get those pictures?? hehe. And that girl in the second pic is Monica, who's an MK in cameroon, and it was her birthday 2 days before mine! on the 28th! :D haha.

Amy said...

Hehe you sent them to me! what play was that? and what is that big silver thing? Monica kinda looks like me in that picture...

Alyssa said...

yah i know she does. the play was "our miss brooks". fun, fifties one. and the silver thing was this structure in monica's yard we liked to climb on. i have a picture of the whole thing--i'll find it for you :)

Daniela said...

amy!! te pup!! te iubesc!! tu esti foarte frumos (that's now you spell it) si imi place tine foarte mult!!! ne vedem pe maine!!! te pup!

Alyssa said...

(*frumoasa--for feminine. :) and imi place DE tine. :D) love u both!

Amy said...

mulțumesc Alyssa! tu esti foarte foarte frumoasa! both of you! ne vedem pe maine Daniela! ajutorizatsi-ma Daniela!

(i know that is NOT spelled right!) hehehe

Alyssa said...

hehe. ur right amy. i like ur creativity with words though. ajutorizatsi should be a word! we'll make it one. it shall emphasize urgency. :)

Daniela said...

amy tu esti foarte frumoasa si imi place de tine!!!!!! te iubesc foarte mult!!! i will help you!!! i think i did! at least a bit. sorry i don't know how to say all of that in romania!!

Daniela said...

blog la blogul tau

Amy said...
