Thursday, January 10, 2008

Guess what?!?! Mr Deweird (i think that's how you spell his name) is going to be teaching us history this coming semester. No one can replace Mr McDannel though. I will miss him. I don't know who will do study hall though. Hmmmm... I hope it is not some of the people we talked about that we don't want to teach us. I miss you all and I hope to see you soon! Have a good Christmas break (and if you have started school already, have a good time at school)!


Daniela said...

mr. deeweerd is supposed to be hard. he and mr. p have a competition in who can be the hardest.

Amy said...

Oh no! I don't want a hard teacher in history! No more tons of extra credit! No more game days! no more 111 something percent! Ahhhhhhh! I don't like this! Nooooooooooooooo!

Alyssa said...

its spelled deweerd. :D
i love u both, tho :D

Daniela said...

oh. hehe. he's actually not that bad now. yay!!!