Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My apartment is falling apart! First, somewhere around late November or early December, we lost power in all of our outlets except 4. Then today, the power went out in another outlet and our centrala. (water heater) So now we have extension cords all over our house. There is one in the kitchen that goes to the kitchen, centrala on our balcony, and our living room. There is one in the back of our apartment that goes to all our bedrooms and the computers. I need to get out of here! And fast! I need to go somewhere! I can't even take a warm shower without us having to get the extension cord to our balcony! Ahhhhhhh!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

hey, that's life here. don't worry--you'll look back on inconveniences like that fondly once you've been gone for a while. trust me--thats the stuff u actually kinda miss. :) (ok, at least for me)